June 2024

The Renewable Energy Community of Pineto (TE).

The Municipality of Pineto, in collaboration with EnGreen, is at the forefront of promoting Renewable Energy Communities. Thanks to a major grant from the European City Facility (EUCF), a project
March 2024

Training of Trainers of Renewable Energies in the Phillippines

Services: training of trainers, capacity building, training material preparation
February 2024

New Research and Innovation Unit

EnGreen is actively engaged in collaborative research initiatives within Europe, via grant based opportunities. Currently, EnGreen is participating in 5 Horizon Europe initiatives, being also active in other EU programs
November 2023

EnGreen and the Renewable Energy Communities (RECs)

Services: technical assistance, civil society engagement
November 2023

EnGreen’s Role in Promoting Sustainable Energy Solutions in Africa

Services: desk research, data analysis, technical assistance in proposal design, and work supervision.
October 2023

Feasibility study of 5 solar hybrid mini-grids

Services: data collection, engineering design, budget, business model design and financial planning.
April 2023

CERA un’altra volta!

Siete pronti per il lancio della CER di Antrodoco (RI)? EnGreen, insieme al programma REC-HUB finanziato dall’Unione Europea, ha favorito la nascita della CERA -Comunità Energetica Rinnovabile di Antrodoco, una
January 2023

Next stage for the Antrodoco Energy Community !

Engreen, jointly with the EU-funded project REC-HUB ( Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub) suppoerted the creation of the C.E.R.A. (Comunità Energetica Rinnovabile di Antrodoco) led by the Municipality with the
January 2023

Building a rural energy community from the ground up

EnGreen is an Italian consultancy founded in 2019, which focuses on rural electrification, specifically using mini-grids to supply “off-grid” areas. They promote local development using energy as a driver, supporting
November 2022

EnGreen partner e speaker della 2° Conferenza Nazionale sulle Comunità Energetiche

Siamo entusiasti di annunciare la partnership di EnGreen con IFEC – Italian Forum of Energy Communities alla Seconda Conferenza Nazionale delle Comunità Energetiche. Il Ceo di Engreen, Carlo Tacconelli, parlerà nella Sessione 4 “Stazioni
September 2022

WE4SUN – Rete di Imprese per le Comunità Energetiche Rinnovabili

EnGreen è lieta di annunciare la nascita di WE4SUN – la Rete di Imprese per le Comunità Energetiche Rinnovabili. Il gruppo nasce con l’obiettivo di supportare la Pubblica Amministrazione e
July 2022

Research program on Renewable Energy Communities with University of Pisa

Good network and strong opportunities to support talent! EnGreen recently signed a joint research program with University of Pisa, Faculty of Electrical Engineering to explore the technical and economic constraints and opportunities
May 2022

EnGreen @ YES-Europe Annual Conference 2022

The “YES-Europe Annual Conference 2022” event, organized by PoliENERGY and YES-Europe (Young leaders in Energy and Sustainability) took part the last weekend in the amazing venue of Stellantis Italia‘s Heritage Hub. We intervened in the
January 2022

New vacancies!!!!!

Position 1: Project Manager Employment type: full-time, permanent Duty station: home-based with availability for short-term missions abroad ( Africa, Latin America) Duties and responsibilities The Project Manager will report to the
November 2021

Energy for Good – Episode 3

Welcome to the last episode of our long-read series on Energy for Good! Today we talk about Productive Uses of Energy (PUE) – or, in other words, how energy can
October 2021

Energy for Good – Episode 2

Energy for Good – Episode 2 Energy for Health Welcome back to the #Energy4Good long read series! Last week we found out how energy is an enabler for achieving access
September 2021

Energy for Good – Episode 1

Energy for Education With this article, we inaugurate a short series of long reads on the enabling power of energy (pun intended!), and the need for integrated action that considers
July 2021

Building the future: increasing capacities of young people in developing countries

Capacity development is considered to play a central role in delivering progress on energy access[1]. Lack of capacity is in fact considered one of the major barriers for the development
July 2021

RES4Africa Foundation and Engreen partners for RES promotion in Africa

RES4African Foundation and EnGreen signed an agreement to jointly boost the promotion of renewable energy solutions in Africa. The Rome-based Foundation and the service provider signed a letter of intent
September 2020

EnGreen supporta la riqualificazione energetica nel quadro del SuperBonus110

Il Superbonus è un’agevolazione prevista dal Decreto Rilancio che eleva al 110% l’aliquota di detrazione delle spese sostenute dal 1° luglio 2020 al 31 dicembre 2021, per specifici interventi in ambito di efficienza energetica, di
May 2020

Capacity Building in Democratic Republic of Congo

The 11th Micro-Grid Academy session was held in Bukavu and Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, from the 18th to the 22nd of May 2020. Carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of
April 2020

EnGreen contribution to the ARE knowledge sharing

Going Beyond the Sole Energy Delivery to Attract Blended Finance in Off-Grid RE Projects