March 2024

Training of Trainers of Renewable Energies in the Phillippines

Services: training of trainers, capacity building, training material preparation
November 2023

EnGreen’s Role in Promoting Sustainable Energy Solutions in Africa

Services: desk research, data analysis, technical assistance in proposal design, and work supervision.
July 2023

“Training of Trainers” for the National University of Lesotho

Services: online lectures, training material preparation
July 2023

COSPE School in International Cooperation

Services: online lectures, training material preparation
July 2023

Micro-Grid Academy for Sustainable Energy Development

Services: online lectures, technical advisory and quality control.
July 2023

Solar Energy Qualification Frameworks and Curricula in ECOWAS, EAC and the Pacific Community

Services: technical assistance, capacity building and training courses
July 2023

Market Assessment for Sustainable Energy Supply Solutions in DRC

Services: data analysis and reporting, recommendation to develop project concepts
July 2023

Healthcare Electrification in Mali

Services: data collection, data analysis, energy audit reports
July 2023

Due diligence on mini-grid projects

Services: due diligence on projects.
April 2023

UMUCO W’ITERAMBERE: Supporting the resilience of the people of Burundi

Services: technical assistance in proposal design, demand assessment, engineering technical design, business models, procurement, contracting, work supervision, training courses.
February 2023

Mozambique Investment Academy

Services: online and in person lectures, material preparation, workshops.
November 2022

Green Climate Fund concept notes

Services: concept note development, strategic advisory
October 2022

Productive Use of Energy (PUE) for Burundi

Services: technical advisory
September 2022

Water-Energy-Food nexus solution in MENA and Niger Basin regions

Services: desk research, data analsys, stakeholder consultation, market assessment, business model design and financial planning.
August 2022

Productive use of energy study

Services: data collection, data analsys, stakeholder consultation, market assessment, business model design and financial planning.
July 2022

Ideas Cubes and Boxes as innovative education tools

Services: technical advisory on budgets, procurements and contracts.
July 2022

TERESA project: TEchnology for Rural Electrification in sub-Saharan Africa

Services: technical advisory, data inputs, capacity building.
June 2022

SHAMS project: Sustainable Healthcare Access for municipalities in the South of Libya

Services: technical advisory on budgets, procurements and contracts.
April 2022

Construction of 3 hybrid mini-grids in the Provinces of Zambézia and Nampula

Services: project management and site management.
April 2022

Electrification of the Kigutu Hospital

Services: project management and technical advisory.
March 2022

Feasibility Study of 11 hybrid mini-grids

Services: data collection, energy need assessment, engineering design, budget and financial planning.
October 2021

Private Developer’s Mini-grid Strategy

Services: strategic advisory.
May 2021

Energy Market Assessment

Services: desk research, stakeholder consultation, market assessment.
March 2021

UMUCO W’ITERAMBERE: Supporting the resilience of the people of Burundi

Services: technical assistance in proposal design, demand assessment, engineering technical design, business models, procurement, contracting, work supervision, training courses.
November 2020

Best practices for piloting of Energy Cooperatives in Moldova

Services: technical and economic modelling.
August 2020

Capacity building programs on mini-grids

Services: development of learning material, and provision of video learning.
July 2020

Mini-grid Stakeholder Mapping in Africa

Services: desk research and strategic advisory.
June 2020

Data collection for mini-grid development in the Nyagatare district

Services: site mapping, data collection, mission report with overall advisory on challenges and recommendations.
June 2020

Feasibility study of 5 hybrid mini-grids in the Provinces of Zambézia and Nampula

Services: data collection, engineering design, budget and financial planning.
September 2019

Sustainable energy Services for rural DRC

Services: technical advisory in proposal design, energy need assessment, procurement, contracting, execution and shadowing of start-up phase.
August 2019

Ilumina Project: access to energy for local development and women empowerment

Services: technical advisory in proposal design, procurement, contracting, execution and shadowing of start-up phase.
July 2019

RE-thinking Access to Energy Business Models

EnGreen has contributed to one of the most impactful publications promoted by RES4Africa Foundation with the role of overall editor and co-author. “RE-thinking Access to Energy Business Models. Ways to
June 2019

Feasibility Study of a hydroelectric mini-grid in Nintulo

Services: data collection, data analysis, energy need assessment, simulation of solar-PV hybridization.
April 2019

Solar hybrid mini-grid in the villages of Rutenderi

Services: site identification, proposal design, fund raising, project coordination and O&M management.
March 2019

Energy and training services for a sustainable growth in Bukasa island

Services: site identification, proposal design, fund raising, project coordination and O&M management.
February 2019

Solar hybrid mini-grid in the villages of Gatoki

Services: site identification, proposal design, fund raising, project coordination and O&M management.
October 2018

External evaluation of an EU funded energy project

Services: solutions renouvelables pour les services publics de base’ (Tunisia).
March 2018

Energy Need Assessment of off-grid communities

Services: responsible for data collection campaign, data analysis and energy demand profiling.
October 2016

Ndurumo sustainable energy partnership

Services: site identification, proposal design, fund raising, business development.
August 2016

“Wei-Wei” hydro-agricultural development in Sigor

Services: Irrigation network design and works supervision.
February 2015

Sustainable energy services for Kitobo island

Services: baseline of the 20 most representative communities for a cluster of 100 villages, feasibility study of two Minigrids to supply energy to two green farms.
November 2014

Hydroelectric mini-grid for rural electrification of El Dictamo Village

Services: load assessment, feasibility study, preliminary technical design, definition of technical specifications, supervision on EPC project, definition of management model, training on O&M of local technicians.
May 2014

Ikondo energy project

Services: site management assistance during civil works.
April 2013

“Ecosystems” Project

Services: Micro- hidro power plant construction for forest conservation and resources management. Community engagement and project coordination.
November 2012

Conservation of biodiversity in the productive landscapes of the Honduran Moskitia

Services: climate change resilience and risk reduction technical assistance, housing model design and pre-feasibility studies of off-grid solar PV systems.
December 2008

Solar Water Heater self-construction for farmers communities

Services: Technical training, capacity building, design and construction of solar collectors.