The project Avenir Brillant (Bright Future), co-funded by the Italian Ministry of the Interior, is to promote free and informed migration choices in the regions of origin and transit of migration in Mali by creating employment and self-employment opportunities, improving access to and quality of protective services for vulnerable children and increasing knowledge of the reality of migration. The country, in fact, is experiencing heavy internal and external migration, due to a situation of political instability that has worsened preexisting vulnerabilities to climate shocks, conflicts, food insecurity and energy poverty.

The project has been awarded to Plan Italia Onlus, who has partnered with EnGreen for the vocational induction training component on renewable energies and electricity. Other partners are: ActionAid International Italia onlus, Genius Loci S.r.l., Plan International Mali, Environnement et Développement du Mali – Enda Mali, Bureau National Catholique de l’Enfance – Bnce-Mali and Cooperativa Sociale QUID.

Services: development of training material, management and delivery of training courses.