EnGreen is the promoter and developer of a pilot project in the municipality of Notaresco (TE), which aims to make the fraction of Vallevignale zero emissions (Val.Zer.). Mr Carlo Tacconelli, CEO of EnGreen, along with two other founding members, started a renewable energy community (REC) in December 2021, in a small rural village in the Teramo Province.

Thanks to manoeuvres aimed at energy efficiency improvements by the Italian government, solar plants (32 kW) were installed. Also, electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, lithium storage (75 kWh), and residential heat pumps were installed. The REC of Vallevignale currently involves twelve families; 5 of these are prosumer, that is, produce, self-consumption and share the energy produced by renewable sources, and 7 other consumers, that is users who exploit the cheap energy produced by the other members of the REC.
Among the future objectives is also to develop a district heating network powered by a biomass plant, which is integrated with the oil supply chain typical of the local economy, using as fuel olive pomace core.

The REC of Vallevignale is a real “laboratory” that allows EnGreen to adapt models and technologies successfully used in rural electrification of developing countries, and to build a specific know-how on the potential of energy flexibility, communication protocols to manage internal and external transactions.