Engreen was commissioned by the Municipality of Sarnano to develop a technical and economic feasibility project and support to the RUP on the implementation of the renewable energy community in Sarnano. The project has been designed in order to respond to the Call for Sub-measures A2.3 and A2.4 of the National Complementary Fund to the PNRR.

EnGreen presents its valuable initiative focused on promoting a sustainable lifestyle in the lively town of Sarnano, which is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and embracing renewable energy solutions.
Through this transformative project, EnGreen collaborates closely with local stakeholders to establish a thriving community approach to sustainability.

The Renewable Energy Community (REC), based on the use of solar and water resources, will be able to retain the local energy potential in the area and encourage a greater local ownership of this commendable initiative.
The final project of the Renewable Energy Community of Sarnano aims to provide the technical and economic elements sufficient to assess the cost of the works related to renewable power plants owned by the public, to be carried out on municipal areas.